If you would like to mail a check, please mail to CBIHP, PO Box 833, Tahlequah, OK 74465.
As a not-for-profit organization, we rely on generous, compassionate people like you to support our goal of preserving Native American culture & history. A small gift can have a huge impact. A DONATION of just $10 a month or $10 Million a month would go a long ways in helping CBIHP "Preserve the Native American Narrative". Through programs, publications, film, music, archives, exhibits and people all across the world, the Cherokees for Black Indian History Foundation will preserve Native American history & culture. Your donations will make all this possible. Your help is needed. PLEASE DONATE!
As a not-for-profit organization, we rely on generous, compassionate people like you to support our goal of preserving Native American culture & history. A small gift can have a huge impact. A DONATION of just $10 a month or $10 Million a month would go a long ways in helping CBIHP "Preserve the Native American Narrative". Through programs, publications, film, music, archives, exhibits and people all across the world, the Cherokees for Black Indian History Foundation will preserve Native American history & culture. Your donations will make all this possible. Your help is needed. PLEASE DONATE!